Rozart Mix (1965)
We jump in at the deep end with Rozart Mix, probably one of Cage's least accessible pieces. She says that "it's just not music"; listening to it is "like being drunk" and "like being ill", and it "will cause tinnitus". I asked her what she rated it out of 5 and she said 0. I pointed out that I was using a 1 to 5 scale, and she said: "I don't care. It is 0." 0/5
Raga 16 from Solo for Voice 58 (1970)
An improvement. "I can listen to it" - however, since this probably translates to "I can listen to it without wanting to throw the computer out the window", that's maybe not such a big compliment. Indeed, in the end she felt that it's the sort of thing you'd hear as "background music in a new age shop", and gave it: 2/5
Quartets I-VIII (1976)
I was expecting this to go down the easiest, as it's definitely the most musically conventional of the bunch. In fact, it was perhaps rather too conventional for her: better than most Cage stuff, she said, but boring and unmemorable. It had no interesting melody; no hook to grab you and that you could remember. She suggested that it would be best used as "advert music". 2/5
Freeman Etudes VIII (1980)
"It's just a lot of annoying squeaking." "I'd like to smash the violin over his head." "It's tuneless." When I pointed out that a tune is simply a succession of musical notes, and hence this is not tuneless, she sighed and said that it's not mellifluous. This one is another 0/5.
Fourteen (1990)
This was her favourite. She said that it reminded her of film music, especially for some sort of weird sci-fi. It brings to mind a different world. It would however "be better without the annoying squeaky sound at the end" (in fact, I faded it out after only two and a half minutes... I'm not sure she would have been so positive about it had she heard the enitre fifteen minute piece). 3/5
Update: she wanted to read this post, after which she text me: "I just relived the trauma of it again!" It looks like it might be a while before we do "my girlfriend listens to John Cage, part 2".
We can try xxx